General Criteria for Graduate Education Programs
Order No.A147 On the approval of the revised general requirements
Guidelines for writing proposals
Educational program technologies and quality control regulations Mongolian national university of medical sciences
Scholarship Guideline Approval
Attendance Policy
Revision report form (template)
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General provisions
One of the main activity directions of Master of Public Health training is to carry out the training on gaining a knowledge and capability of research methodology, epidemiology among doctors, health workers and researchers who are working medical and public health sector.
- Teacher: Номин Амгалан
General provisions
One of the main activity directions of Master of Public Health training is to carry out the training on gaining a knowledge and capability of research methodology, epidemiology among doctors, health workers and researchers who are working medical and public health sector.
- Teacher: Гантуяа Дорж
Biostatistics - Биостатистик
Scientific research plays a very important role in our efforts to maintain health and combating diseases. Research helps us create new knowledge and develop proper tools for the use of existing knowledge.

- Teacher: Chae Y
- Teacher: Номин Амгалан
- Teacher: Мөнхзул Ёндонжамц
- Teacher: Батсүрэн Чойжамц