Online Master's Program

Program Overview

The online master's program is conducted in four stages: Course study, Examination, Project writing, and Defense. After completing the professional and elective courses, students take a qualifying examination. A score of 70% or higher is required to pass. Successful students are then granted the right to write a project, and a supervising faculty member is assigned. The ICEC develops and approves a calendar schedule for each step leading up to the defense.

Stages of the Program

Stage Requirement/Evaluation Process Responsible Unit/Staff
I Coursework Pass with 70% or higher Study 8 professional courses online, totaling 12 credits. Choose and study 3 elective courses from 11 options. ICEC
II Comprehensive Exam Must have completed all professional and specialized courses. Pass with 70% or higher: Online exam with 100 questions. Remedial classes and re-exam if needed. Department for Graduate Education and Policy
III Project Writing Receive over 75% approval from the progress review. Write a research project under the guidance of a chosen supervisor. Follow regulations for graduation training activities. The chosen supervisor from the professional department
IV Defense Receive over 75% approval from the experts. Preliminary and final defense evaluations. Final defense conducted by the Graduate Academic Council. Graduate Academic Council

Evaluation Process

The evaluation process includes:

  • Progress Discussion: Feedback from experts with doctoral degrees.
  • Preliminary Defense: Evaluation by at least seven faculty members.
  • Final Defense: Conducted by the Graduate Academic Council, evaluated on a 100-point scale.

Graduation Defense

Students who have completed all required courses take the comprehensive exam, write their research project, and successfully participate in the progress and preliminary defenses. After making the necessary revisions based on feedback, the student presents the final defense to the Academic Council of Graduate Studies. Based on the council's decision, the student is awarded the Master of Medicine degree.